Who is this relevant for?

School Health Pulse is designed to support all those championing health and well-being in educational settings. Our mission is to bridge the gap between cutting-edge health research and practical implementation.

How does this help?

We understand that schools shoulder an enormous responsibility in nurturing not only academic excellence but also supporting their students’ health and well-being. However, navigating the vast landscape of health information, research and misinformation online can be daunting, making it challenging to identify and implement evidence-based strategies effectively.

At School Health Pulse, we streamline this process by reviewing and distilling the latest high-quality peer-reviewed health research into concise, actionable insights and resources. Our platform ensures that trustworthy findings from legitimate research studies are readily accessible to schools, empowering them to make informed decisions and implement positive changes whenever and wherever needed.

Who is behind School Health Pulse?

School Health Pulse was started by academics at the University of Cambridge who studied public health promotion in educational settings. Our passion is to share the latest findings with teachers, parents, and students to support efforts in creating health-promoting learning environments for all.

What do I get when I sign up for a membership?

Members gain access to a comprehensive suite of resources, including:

  1. Evidence briefs: Teachers receive new evidence briefs every week, covering various topics related to physical education, sports, and physical activity. Our one-page summaries are easy to read on any device.

  2. Parent communication tools: Tools to engage and inform parents about health research and guidelines, promoting a collaborative approach between schools and families.

  3. Report writing aids: We assist PE leads in completing the PE Premium report faster, with a professional finish (school logo, colours), and in accordance with this year’s template.

  4. Ongoing support: We are committed to continuous improvement. Get in touch with us at any time and we will find a solution together.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up by following this link: www.schoolhealthpulse.com/welcome

Who writes the evidence briefs?

Our evidence briefs are prepared by science communication experts and academics, ensuring accessibility and scientific accuracy.

Why only peer-reviewed research?

Peer-reviewed publications undergo rigorous evaluation by academics, involving multiple rounds of critical review, feedback, and revisions. This process ensures the research meets the highest standards of scientific rigour, integrity, and reflects the most up-to-date findings.

How do you select the research studies?

We carefully evaluate factors like study registration, funding sources, publication date, and methodology to feature the best available research on topics crucial for student health and well-being.

Will you cover other school health topics?

Yes! We're excited to expand our coverage to mental health, food and nutrition, alcohol, smoking, and more. Have a specific area you'd like us to cover? Let us know at hello@schoolhealthpulse.com.